As Mississauga enters Phase 3 of Ontario’s COVID-19 lockdown, the light at the end of the tunnel is starting to shine brighter. Businesses are getting ready to welcome employees and customers back to offices. But hang on! You should call your IT services provider in Mississauga before you throw open your doors again.
For us this ‘return to work’ scenario is proving as hectic as the mass exodus of ‘work from home’. Business owners are impatient to return to normalcy, but that does create a number of challenges. Find out how our IT support in Mississauga is helping clients prepare the office for a post-COVID work environment.
How IT services in Mississauga are preparing the office space for post-COVID work
The most important thing as offices reopen is the need to continue following the government’s advice on physical distancing. Most businesses are investing in IT solutions that reduce physical contact for visitors and minimize the risk of spreading coronavirus.
1. Providing a contactless experience
Automate your appointment system for visitors with app-based sign-in in your electronic lobby. iPads serve as terminals where visitors can check-in; automatic notifications can be sent to the relevant team members.
2. Electronic contact tracing
By law, most businesses are required to record the details of visitors (and employees) entering the premises on a particular day. Use a terminal to record this information electronically, reduce the administrative burden and lessen the risk of exposure to coronavirus.
3. Appointment management and calendaring
Busy receptions may suggest a thriving business, but a crowded reception area today will earn visitors’ ire. Deploy appointment management and calendaring software with an online component to:
- Take appointments online.
- Ensure sufficient gap between customers.
- Send automatic reminders to visitors and employees.
Readying the office for returning employees
As employees start to return to offices, there will be a number of logistical issues to address. The first will be adequately distanced seating: workstations will have to be set up at new locations, which means network cabling and power will have to made available to the workstation. Remember, even our IT professional services team members are required to follow physical distancing protocols and cannot occupy confined spaces – such as server rooms – at the same time.
Returning employees will also bring with them unsanitized workstations – from a COVID-19 and IT point of view. Touchpoints and input devices will have to be santitized with disinfectant wipes before they can be can used. Devices must also be individually scanned for malware and integrity before they can be reintegrated into the company network.
Data saved locally on machines must be backed up to the organization’s cloud storage; security patches applied; OS and application updates installed on every machine.
In all the checklists for reintegrating employees back into the workplace is extensive. Migration is the weakest link in even the best IT chain, which is why our IT support in Mississauga is so meticulous.
Professional IT services in Mississauga
Is your business ready to welcome customers back in the office? Talk to a representative to find out how we can help. At NUMENTIS our IT professional services are committed to helping your office transition to a safer contactless experience.