Accidents Happen
You never know when someone is going to spill coffee on their laptop or trip over the power cable and pull the computer off the desk. Accidents do happen. If you dropped your laptop and lost the data, could your business recover? Is the only copy of your customer database on the computer below your desk?
NUMENTIS protects your business from data loss due to disaster; by keeping your business data secure in a backup. Accidents can occur at any time, but with our managed solutions, you can recover your data and continue with business as usual.
Hardware Fails
Despite careful planning, computers can fail at any moment, and the data on them could be lost. Servers and computers have thousands of electronic and mechanical components. You don’t know when one of them will fail and your desktop or laptop won’t turn on. Maybe you could recover the data from the hard disk drive inside. Maybe not.
NUMENTIS gives you the peace of mind to know that if your computer doesn’t start, your data is safe in one or more places; and recovery is a few minutes away.
Malware Hits
First your business was vulnerable to viruses. Then adware and spyware. Then ransomware. And now cryptomining. Malware has continuously evolved, with tremendous growth over the last few years. The fact remains: your hardware and your data are valuable.
Retrospect Backup ensures you will always have access to your data, even if your computer is compromised.
Lost, Not Found
70 million smartphones are lost each year and thousands of laptops. With so many portable devices, you’ll eventually forget one. Will you find it again?
With NUMENTIS, you may lose your portable device, but never your data. We’ll restore your data to a new machine so you can carry on.
Computer Theft
1 in 10 laptops are stolen, that is one laptop stolen every 53 seconds. 52 percent of devices are stolen from the office/workplace, and 24 percent from conferences. Your business laptop might be next. How many people walk by your computer at work? Do they all work there? Do you take your laptop to meetings? 80 percent of the cost of a lost laptop is from data loss/breach.
NUMENTIS managed data protection is your data insurance policy. With it in place, you can restore your data to a new laptop and get back to work.
Disaster Strikes
Every year, there are millions of fires, thousands of earthquakes and tornadoes, and dozens of hurricanes. If your business data only lives on the computer at the office, you’re living dangerously.
With our managed data protection solutions, we store backups of your data offsite in one of our Canadian data centers.
In conclusion, Data Backup is “Data Insurance for Small Businesses”; don’t run a business without one.